28 August 2008

A new kind of politics, redux

First it was Bill Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist in whose living room Barack Obama launched his political career.

Next it was the Rev. Wright.

Next it was NAFTA-gate, when Team Hope dispatched a campaign surrogate to privately assure Canadian officials that Obama's anti-NAFTA rhetoric was mere pandering meant to resonate in union-heavy states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania, and that the Changemaker didn't actually mean what he said.

Next was the nonpartisan National Journal's determination that Obama was in fact the Senate's most liberal member in 2007.

After that he played the race card against the Clintons, specifically Bill.

After wrapping up the nomination, the Hopemonger went after McCain, lobbing generalities about "four more years of George W. Bush" and making not-so-veiled references to the Senior Senator's age.

Then came more negative ads.

Then came the race card a second time.

Then came the selection of the ultimate Washington insider and attack dog as his VP.

Now comes the revelation that the Democratic Party will hold "72nd birthday parties" for McCain on Friday.

For the love of all things holy.

Obama is not unfit for the presidency based simply on his paper-thin resume. I'm sure he's a nice enough man. But if the last 7 1/2 years have taught us anything, it's that being kind and affable shouldn't be enough to get the keys to the White House.

Obama's pathetic, laughable, nonsensical message is a fraud.

To be sure, many on the left side of the political spectrum are in love with his almost socialistic platform. If that applies to you, congratulations on settling on a candidate who shares your views.

But if you're among the millions who has been captivated by change/hope/new politics, open your eyes. Has there ever been a bigger gulf between a candidate's rhetoric and a candidate's actions?

In a word: No.

I'm no big fan of the Clintons, but I hold a deep respect for politicians -- Lieberman, McCain, Schwarzenegger and yes, Bill Clinton -- who buck their party and reach across the aisle to forge an otherwise impossible solution to a problem. And Bill's private assessment of Obama is dead on:

Typical. Chicago. Politician.

This "new kind of politics" that the Hopemonger is peddling makes me long for the good old, tired politics of yesterday.

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